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PTS for Blood Flow Restriction System
PTS for BFR by Delfi
Automatic Personalization

Personalized Pressures

Delfi’s patented Limb Occlusion Pressure (LOP) technology allows a patient specific LOP to be measured and automatically calculates the patient’s Personalized Tourniquet Pressure (PTP) as percentage of LOP
A Personalized Approach with Predictable Results

Our newest development, the PTS Personalized Tourniquet System for Blood Flow Restriction (BFR) has been specifically designed to safely regulate and control tourniquet pressure for Blood Flow Restriction applications.

The patented technology in the PTS for BFR is based on Delfi’s proven surgical tourniquet instruments and cuffs, and includes advanced personalization and safety features developed specifically for BFR applications.  Limb Occlusion Pressure (LOP) technology allows for a patient specific LOP to be measured, and automatically calculates the patient's Personalized Tourniquet Pressure (PTP) as a percentage of LOP.

The PTS Personalized Tourniquet System for BFR facilitates the safe use of proven BFR rehabilitation training methods and helps provide optimal clinical outcomes. Featuring preset upper and lower limb therapy protocols recommended by Owens Recovery Science for strength, endurance, and cyclic BFR make set-up quick and easy. 

(Intended for use on those patients for whom a physician or physician’s designated licensed health care practitioner has indicated perioperative blood flow restricted exercise.)


Personalized Pressures 
Delfi’s patented Limb Occlusion Pressure (LOP) technology allows a patient specific LOP to be measured and automatically calculates the patient’s Personalized Tourniquet Pressure (PTP) as percentage of LOP

BFR Pressure Application Timer 
An easily adjusted BFR pressure application timer controls the length of time that the cuff will remain pressurized, and for safety automatically deflates the cuff when the application time elapses.  A clearly visible digital display of
pressurization time remaining is shown

Advanced Pressure Regulation
The same advanced pressure regulation technology as used in our surgical tourniquets maintains the cuff near the selected pressure during limb movement

12 Preset Protocols
Preset upper and lower limb therapy protocols recommended by Owens Recovery Science for strength, endurance, and cyclic BFR make set-up quick and easy. Key parameters can be adjusted on the spot for automatic personalization

Interval Timer
User activated timer counts down pre-programed rest time intervals between sets, visual and audio signals alert user to begin next set

Reps Indicator
Monitors progress in a protocol by displaying the number of exercise sets and reps as completed

Intuitive User Interface
Easily verify key parameters and therapy session progress. A responsive touch-screen with graphical interactive elements simplifies operation and adjustments

Session History
Automatically records key tourniquet parameters including: Limb Occlusion Pressure, Personalized Tourniquet Pressure, cuff inflation pressures, pressure application time and number of pressurization cycles

Reperfusion Timer for BFR
After a BFR cuff pressurization cylcle is completed, a programmable reperfusion timer prevents the cuff from being pressurized again until the reperfusion time has elapsed, helping ensure adequate time between
pressurization cycles for limb reperfusion

Safety Alarms
Audio and visual alarms warn of cuff over and under pressurization.  Self test and calibration test on start-up verify proper instrument operation.

Integrated Leak Testing
Cuffs, tubing and connectors may be automatically tested for leaks before or after use.

Lithium Battery
Up to 10 hours of operation with a tested cuff.


Height: 180 mm (7.0 inches)

Height: 180 mm (7.0 inches)

Width: 120 mm (4.7 inches)

Depth: 110 mm (4.3 inches)

Weight: 1.08 kg (38.0 oz)

Cuff Pressure Range: 20 – 350 mmHg, adjustable in 1 mmHg increments, automatically regulated to within +/- 10 mmHg of the selected pressure

BFR Pressure Application Timer: 1-30 minutes, adjustable in 1 minute increments

Reperfusion Timer for BFR: 1-10 minutes, adjustable in 1 minute increments

Inflation Speed: inflates a typical  thigh cuff within 5 seconds

Integrated Tourniquet Cuff Testing: 30 seconds

PTSii Back Panel
Catalogue Number
PTS Personalized Tourniquet System for BFR
PTS for BFR Tourniquet System & Easi-Fit BFR Cuffs Portable Kit includes:
Single System with three compatible Easi-Fit BFR Cuffs 18/24/34″, and PTS Transport Bag
PTS for BFR Tourniquet System
Ordering is Easy

The PTS for BFR is  available for purchase and use only by qualified health care professionals.

To place an order, or to obtain additional information on the PTS for BFR, please contact our sales and technical staff.

Phone: (800) 933-3022 (Toll Free in North America)

Phone: (604) 742-0600 (Direct)

Email Sales Team

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Advanced tourniquet solutions for the best in personalized care.


106-1099 West 8th Ave
Vancouver, BC  V6H 1C3 Canada

1 (800) 933-3022 Toll Free in North America
+1 (604) 742-0600 Tel
+1 (604) 742-3800 Fax

2021 Delfi Medical Innovations Inc.

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